Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How to import transport requests at OS level in SAP

Import are done by administrators not developers. While importing the request at OS level (i.e. not using STMS), the administrator import requests from buffer of the SAP System into the target system. The administrator has to login into the operating system of a host in the target system as the "owner" of the system adm. The requests can be imported at the OS level by executing following commands from following directory.

(Windows): \\$(SAPTRANSHOST)\sapmnt\trans\bin
(UNIX): /usr/sap/trans/bin

Run the following commands
This command in the source system
tp addtobuffer

This command in the target system a
tp import
<> u

Here in the second command parameter x means (substitute for different values):
0: Import from the buffer without deleting and set unconditional Mode 1 in the buffer to
allow another import at the correct location. Allows
for import out of sequence.

1: Import request if it is already imported or not

2: Overwrite the originals.

3: Overwrite System-Specific Objects

Allow source system other than integration system during K type
import into consolidation system.

6: Overwrite objects in unconfirmed repairs

8: Overwrite objects in open repairs

9: Ignore that target system is locked for this type of transports

can be DEV, QAS or PRD

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How to import transport requests at OS level in SAP

Import are done by administrators not developers. While importing the request at OS level (i.e. not using STMS), the administrator import requests from buffer of the SAP System into the target system. The administrator has to login into the operating system of a host in the target system as the "owner" of the system adm. The requests can be imported at the OS level by executing following commands from following directory.

(Windows): \\$(SAPTRANSHOST)\sapmnt\trans\bin
(UNIX): /usr/sap/trans/bin

Run the following commands
This command in the source system
tp addtobuffer

This command in the target system a
tp import
<> u

Here in the second command parameter x means (substitute for different values):
0: Import from the buffer without deleting and set unconditional Mode 1 in the buffer to
allow another import at the correct location. Allows
for import out of sequence.

1: Import request if it is already imported or not

2: Overwrite the originals.

3: Overwrite System-Specific Objects

Allow source system other than integration system during K type
import into consolidation system.

6: Overwrite objects in unconfirmed repairs

8: Overwrite objects in open repairs

9: Ignore that target system is locked for this type of transports

can be DEV, QAS or PRD

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